Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So You Were Terrified You'd Be Decapitated. You're Free Now. Get Over It!

It must be an especially hellish form of hell to be kidnapped by Islamic terrorists if you also happen to be a journalist working for FOX News. First your right-wing "friends" back home will blanket the Internet with outraged calls for your release -- something they do for you and no one else because you work for the television network that reports the news the right way (pun fully intentional) -- and then, after you are released, they will write scalding posts about what a low-life traitor you are for converting to Islam and for hugging the man who had total control over whether you lived or died, and decided that you would be allowed to live. If it had been them, they would have chosen to be beheaded, or executed by a bullet to the head, rather than "deny their faith." If they suffered any emotional or psychological effects from being abducted at gunpoint and kept in constant fear for their life for days or weeks or months, those ill effects would fall away from them like autumn leaves the wind blows off a speeding car, the moment they stepped out of their prison cell.

How terrible it must feel to be a FOX journalist and know that you are causing so much pain and disappointment to the home-team partisans who have been counting on you to sing hymns of praise to George W. Bush and pour scorn and contempt on your captors as you and they stand in front of the cameras. It seems like the least you can do if you're going to deprive the partisans of the chance to howl at the savagery of the barbaric monsters who beheaded you, is to spit in your captors' face the moment they let you go.


ScurvyOaks said...

"If it had been them, they would have chosen to be beheaded, or executed by a bullet to the head, rather than 'deny their faith.'"

I didn't see any comments to that effect in what you linked. There was a discussion, specifically with reference to Christians, of "what would you have done?" at La Shawn Barber's blog ( The primary thrust of the comments was "I don't know, because I've never been tested like that, but I really hope that God would give me the strength not to deny Christ." If I've caputured the majority sentiment there correctly (and I acknowledge the possibility that I'm projecting a bit), the tone is different from what you suggest.

At the same time, I'll agree that there have been some ugly comments from the dexterosphere on this one, as the link illustrates.

I feel terrible for Centanni and Wiig. In addition to all they have been through, as I understand it, they risk a fatwa if they renounce their conversion to Islam.

Kathy said...

In addition to all they have been through, as I understand it, they risk a fatwa if they renounce their conversion to Islam.

As you understand it from where? The islamic experts on the right?

Regarding your reference to the discussion at LaShawn Barber's blog (and elsewhere) about hoping "God would provide the strength not to deny Christ," I could say a lot, but I'll limit myself to this: Anyone who would allow themselves to be beheaded when they could prevent that by going thru a fake conversion is a fool and a very selfish person to boot. Why put your family through that kind of unbearable suffering -- to know that a loved one was beheaded -- when you can prevent it?