Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lynne Cheney: Terrorist Attacks On Our Allies Don't Matter

I just saw this Think Progress video of Lynne Cheney telling Jon Stewart that the global uptick in terrorist incidents doesn't matter because they don't affect American interests:

A frequent Bush administration talking point in defense of the “war on terror” is claiming that United States has not been attacked since 9/11.

Yesterday, Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Cheney, reiterated this point on The Daily Show, claiming that terrorists regularly struck between 1993 and 2001 but not since 9/11. “It’s been more than six years. And that is not an accident. … There were many attacks between 1993 and the World Trade Centers coming down in 2001,” Cheney said.

Stewart rebutted Cheney’s claim by listing off the many terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11:
I mean, there was the anthrax thing. … [Terrorists] have been doing that all these past six years. The Spanish bombings, the English bombings, and then all the bombs in Iraq.

Cheney replied that attacks on other countries were not relevant to the discussion: “Yes, yes. But we’re talking about American interests.” The audience booed Cheney’s remarks. An incredulous Stewart responded, “Aren’t we interested in [attacks on those countries]? I’d assumed they were our allies.” [...]

Here is the video from YouTube:

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