Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hanukkah and Hassan

The New York Post's front-page story today is about four Jewish subway riders who were rescued from a mob of anti-Semitic thugs by another passenger -- who happens to be a Muslim:

It all began when Adler, his girlfriend, Maria Parsheva, and two other pals boarded the subway at Canal Street bound for Brooklyn and someone in another group wished them "Merry Christmas."

Adler and his pal Angelica Krischanovich responded: "Happy Hanukkah."

Apparently, those were fighting words.

"They just came at us so fast. The first thing that came into my mind was, 'Yeah, this is going to be violent,' " said Parsheva, 20.

One of the group immediately hiked up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of Christ.

"He said, 'Happy Hanukkah, that's when the Jews killed Jesus,' " said Adler.

The group of about 14 men and women then allegedly began taunting Adler and his pals as "dirty Jews" and "Jew bitches."

Amid a huge scrum, Askari jumped in.

"I'm bleeding all over the place, there's lots of people, they're fighting with Hassan still, and I'm like, why isn't anyone else doing anything?" Adler said.

He pulled the emergency brake right before entering the DeKalb Avenue station.

Police came aboard and arrested 10 people, charging six with assault and four with unlawful assembly.

Kudos to Gateway Pundit for being the only (so far) right-wing blogger to mention this event.

Jeers to Haaretz for making this a story solely about speedy police action and omitting any mention of the fact that Adler's savior is Muslim. And it wasn't an honest oversight, either, because the paper did include the information that Adler was rescued by "a subway passenger," but without including the relevant detail. I don't see how that can be anything but deliberate.

Gawker brings our attention to the headline on the New York Post's cover today (which obviously you wouldn't know unless you had the print edition -- but you can see it here):
... The Post nails the nuanced situation by offering up "PEACE TRAIN" as the paper's cover today, referencing both the Q train where the situation occurred and the controversial decision of musician Cat Stevens (b. Steven Demetre Georgiou) to convert to Islam. ...

Needless to say, this is the least important detail about this story, but it's worth noting the attackers' extra level of ignorance and stupidity, in addition to the ignorance and stupidity of being anti-Semitic at all (see the line I've bolded):
It all began when Adler, his girlfriend, Maria Parsheva, and two other pals boarded the subway at Canal Street bound for Brooklyn and someone in another group wished them "Merry Christmas."

Adler and his pal Angelica Krischanovich responded: "Happy Hanukkah."

Apparently, those were fighting words.

"They just came at us so fast. The first thing that came into my mind was, 'Yeah, this is going to be violent,' " said Parsheva, 20.

One of the group immediately hiked up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of Christ.

"He said, 'Happy Hanukkah, that's when the Jews killed Jesus,' " said Adler.

The moron can't even get the provenance of his own religious bigotry right.

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